James Lawlor is a 36-year-old adult with CF living in Huntsville, Ala., and working on ResearchCon is one of his favorite CF community projects. He has always loved science and research (at least in part due to growing up with CF) and works as a computational biologist for the HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology in Dr. Greg Cooper’s lab, where he writes software, manages data, and does statistics to support a team using whole genome sequencing to diagnose pediatric rare disease. James received bachelor's degrees in biochemistry and mathematics and a master’s degree in modeling and simulation from the University of Alabama in Huntsville. He worked with Dr. Eric Mendenhall for his master’s thesis, where he used machine learning techniques to study the epigenetic regulation of CFTR. James served on the CF Foundation Adult Advisory Council from 2018 to 2020, and is currently a CF Learning Network Patient Partner with UAB, and a community grant reviewer for the CF Foundation Clinical Research Committee. In his spare time, he enjoys performing with community chamber choirs (Ensemble Namárië and NAVE Voices), attending local theatre and music events, reading, and gaming with his friends. James is a part of a decade-long Dungeons and Dragons roleplaying campaign, and also enjoys other table-top and board games (and will, one of these days, get around to leading some). James lives with his very disreputable dog, Kibeth.