Chelsea Stahl is a 31-year-old adult with CF and recently became a mother to a healthy baby boy, Brewer. Chelsea is passionate about the virtual CF community and has been a co-chair for BreatheCon, FamilyCon, keynote moderator, session leaders for various virtual events, and a part of the CFF Peer Connect. Her most noteworthy achievement recently has been expanding her family, but in addition, Chelsea graduated college cum laude with a BA in psychology despite many health hurdles and now owns her own yoga studio, Ambient, in the US Virgin Islands. She is a DIYer who likes to get her hands dirty and recently rebuilt and redesigned her family's rental home in the Virgin Islands that she now runs and operates with her Husband! When she isn't wearing one of her many hats, you can find Chelsea doing yoga, playing with Brewer, sailing, traveling, or proving to those around her that cystic fibrosis does not define what she is capable of and highlighting what you CAN do while still having CF! You can follow her journey and adventures living with CF on her Instagram (@salty_yogi) or Facebook (