Full Name
Rebecca Preslar
Connection to CF
Parent of a Person with CF
Rebecca Preslar is from the suburbs of Charlotte, NC, where she lives with her husband and two children. Her son, Colin, is 14 years old and was diagnosed with CF at 6 months old. Her daughter, Katelyn, is 12 years old and was diagnosed at birth. Rebecca is a freelance graphic designer and has structured flexibility into her lifestyle in order to do both the creative work she loves and also be present for her children for daily activities and doctor appointments. Beyond being mom to Colin and Katelyn, Rebecca is also an avid volunteer at both the local Care Center’s CF Family Advisory Board, where she assists with educational events and manages an informational website for the local CF community (charlotteCFfamilies.org), as well as serving as Outreach Chair for the CFF Western Carolinas Chapter.
Rebecca Preslar