Rod Spadinger, 47, was born and raised in Hawaii. Three years ago, he moved to Dallas, Texas, to undergo a double lung and liver transplant in August 2017. From the age of 4, until he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis as a junior in high school, he ran at least five miles a day in order to keep his lungs clean. Rod’s exercise routine now consists of nearly daily visits to the gym. Inspired by the Lord and his angel donor, Joni Marie, who provided him with her gifts of life, Rod published the memoirs of his post-transplant journey, and celebration of this second life, in the book “A Collection of 50 Stories Inspired by my Angel Donor, Joni Marie.” He is currently compiling a subsequent publication. Rod recently founded a nonprofit organization, Ashleigh’s Life Foundation (, with a mission to provide a degree of financial assistance for those at end stage CF. Connect with him on Facebook under his name, and on Facebook at Cystic Fibrosis Artists; Two New Lungs, One New Liver – A Year and Beyond with Cystic Fibrosis; and Cystic Fibrosis Road Warrior – Ashleigh’s Life Foundation.