Spread the Word about CF FamilyCon
We can't grow virtual events without you! If you know other CF community members or are tapped into social media, share the message and flyer! Be sure to use #CFFamilyCon
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Pick a Message
Pick a message or create your own!
What does family mean to you? Share a photo of your CF Family below and how they help you fight CF. Join us June 18 & 20 for #CFFamilyCon to connect with other CF Families.
How has the mental aspect of CF affected your emotional wellbeing? What are some of the tips and tricks you can use as parent of a child with CF? How can you keep CF from overtaking your family? These are all questions being addressed at #CFFamilyCon on June 18 & 20.
Invite a Friend
Submit a friend's name and email, and we will send them an event invitation. Recipients must be 16 or older to attend.