Molly Pam is a ResearchCon 2021 co-chair along with Dr. Carmen Ufret. Molly is a patient researcher and advocate for women’s health in cystic fibrosis. She is passionate about bringing CF patients into the research process by promoting patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR) and making research accessible to the community. She has served on the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation’s Adult Advisory Council, the Therapeutics Development Network’s protocol review committee, and created and chaired CF MiniCon: Sexual and Reproductive Health. Her work with the Cystic Fibrosis Reproductive and Sexual Health Collaborative (CFReSHC) has brought women’s health to the forefront of CF research. As part of a team of patients and researchers, she designed PCOR trainings, created a user guide for online collaboration, and presented the work in publications and at conferences. She earned her degree in science, technology, and society from Stanford University, and worked on CF and public health research throughout her undergraduate career. Outside of research, Molly is a professional chef making wedding cakes, teaching cooking classes, and making meals for private catering clients. She is honored to be chairing ResearchCon to bring CF research to the whole CF community.