Full Name
Devin Wakefield
Connection to CF
Adult with CF
Devin is 27 years old and is living with cystic fibrosis. He lives in Seattle and works at Microsoft as a software engineer. Devin was diagnosed with CF at birth, as he had meconium ileus, and has dealt with bowel obstructions since. In his spare time, Devin goes hiking, dances to disco, coughs up too much mucus, goes to the gym, paints, draws, volunteers (surprise!) for various CF causes, and thinks about how great it is to be gay. Recently, Devin did the Spartan Beast -- a half marathon obstacle course. He is so glad his lungs hung in there, along with his blood sugar and salt levels. He loves all things CF-research related and hopes to learn a whole lot, while bringing to the CF community a lot of the latest research and information about the research process.
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