Saturday, September 26, 2020
Stepping Out, Stepping Up: Transitioning to Healthy Independence
Session Format
Small-Group Discussion

We’ll consider questions like, "Who do I call to get more enzymes, because I have like ... seven?" and other fun problems you'll want to avoid. How can you live your best life, be independent, and stay on top of your health while keeping the family happy? Share what challenges you have, solutions that may have worked, and plan for a future where you can control your life while accepting help for larger challenges. Let's come away knowing we're not the only ones who have messed up, and with a list of tips and a plan to be independent, happy, and healthy.

Session Objectives
  1. Identify common challenges we all face when stepping up to monitor our own treatment.
  2. Share solutions to some of the tricky problems we've overcome.
  3. Determine what a happy independent life looks like for yourself and what you'll have to do to achieve it.
  4. Create a plan for near-term and long-term future independence needs (finances, power of attorney, estate management, etc.).