Saturday, September 26, 2020
Finding Fitness in a CF World
Session Format

Fitness and exercise have become integral parts of CF care, but many people wonder how to start out and what types of exercise they can and should do. Whether you are an avid exerciser already or you’re just trying to start out, this panel is open to anyone! Come hear from people with CF who have taken different paths to finding fitness, how it has benefited them along their health journeys, and what fitness means to them. Learn about online exercise programs for people with CF and get motivated to start getting active and break out of the quarantine blues. Come with questions, ideas, and a willingness to open your mind to what is possible!

Session Objectives
  1. Hear stories of other CFers about how they came to find fitness, how they incorporate it into their lives, and what they have learned along the way.
  2. Learn how to get started and stay motivated to exercise.
  3. Understand the large variety of ways to stay fit with CF.
  4. Understand how to set and meet fitness goals.
  5. Hear motivational stories from others about what getting fit means to them and what fitness has allowed them to do in the rest of their life.