Full Name
William Ryan
Will Ryan, 26, is a 2003 Woodrow Wilson 5th Grade Science Fair winner from Bayonne, NJ. In the summer of 2014, at the age of 21, Will entered the world of stand up comedy after he realized that no one really cares about poetry. To his parents' chagrin, he graduated from Saint Peter’s University with a political science degree, demonstrating a clear love of the open job market. He’s a former co-host of “Back of the Class Podcast” with his best friend Kenny Williams. The podcast ended when the cheap bastards realized it actually costs money to make a podcast. He’s performed through New Jersey and New York City to packed venues of 50 people. He currently lives with his fiancee, Gina, and their two dogs, Otis and Ruby. Later this year, he’ll be releasing a live compilation album on bandcamp entitled, Spelling Arugula Salad on the Bus.
William Ryan