Saturday, September 21, 2019
Living a Fulfilled Life with Advanced Lung Disease
Session Format
Small-Group Discussion
Are you fearful that as your health declines, your life will become limited and unfulfilling? Find encouragement and hope as you hear from others who live every day striving to do as much as they can despite having the limitations of what is considered advanced lung disease. Our purposes in life are defined by the things we do that make us happy and those that make us feel like we are contributing to the world. Join us to learn how you find your fulfillment.
Session Objectives
  1. Share what has helped you find meaning and purpose in your life.
  2. Share ideas for alternative careers or fulfilling hobbies when working full-time is not possible with your health limitations.
  3. Encourage and motivate each other to focus on what you can do, what you want to be involved in, what you want to contribute to in the world, and how to be as active as you can while still remaining healthy.