Linda Bowman is an adult living with cystic fibrosis from Boca Raton, Florida where she has been a veracious activist for all people living with cystic fibrosis for the past 30 years. She shares her brilliance by lending her voice to many causes, committees, and campaigns. One of the original founding members of the Adult Advisory Council, Linda has had the privilege to not only witness but be a part of many extraordinary milestones benefiting the greater CF community. She helped bring the passionate vision of BreatheCon to life through her involvement in the first community conference work group and in 2018 co-chaired the first ever CF FamilyCon. Because of her unrelenting involvement and commitment to her community, Linda was named the honored recipient of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Alex Award in 2017. Ceasing to give up the fight, Linda currently serves on the National Volunteer Engagement Committee, Care Model Position Paper Committe, Peer Mentorshop program, serves on her local board and is a member of Community Voice. While her deep passion continues to inspire her to serve the greater mission, Linda's heart is centered in community. She is dedicated to initiating positive change through the elevation of voices of all people impacted by the disease so that all people with CF might be seen, heard, and supported. Follow Linda on @lscrappybowman on Instagram, Facebook, and @LindaBowmanL on Twitter,