About the Design

My CF journey is a dichotomy of two worlds. On one side, there's the vibrant realm of health, a flourishing garden of life, teeming with blooming florals of vitality and the sweet fragrance of optimism. It's a world where I feel invincible, embracing the joys of each day, like a sun-kissed meadow in full bloom. Conversely, the other side reveals the contrast of illness, where the florals are drained of vibrancy, and wilted by the weight of challenges. It's a world of endurance, where every breath feels like a struggle, and the scent in the air carries the weight of perseverance. These two worlds, seemingly disparate, coexist within me, shaping the person I've become. The healthy side represents my dreams, aspirations, and moments of sheer joy, reminding me of what's possible. The side touched by illness embodies resilience, strength, and the power of determination, forging an unbreakable spirit. In this journey, health and illness are not opposing forces but rather interconnected. They've crafted a mosaic of experiences, creating a unique and resilient individual who thrives amidst life's ever-changing landscape. My CF journey is a testament to the fusion of these worlds, a living artistry that defines who I am today.

About the Artist

Caleigh is a dynamic force in the realm of patient advocacy and empowerment. As the CEO and Founder of FIght2Breathe, she has dedicated her career to making a tangible difference in the lives of individuals facing similar health challenges to herself. With a strong background in fundraising, public speaking, writing and social media. Caleigh combines her diverse skill set to inspire and educate audiences worldwide. Her expertise lies in the intersection of healthcare, patient advocacy, and social impact, propelled by her passion for improving care and raising awareness. Since receiving her second double lung transplant, she lives an independent and successful life achieving new goals every day - including being a wish granter for the Make-A-Wish Foundation, being a part of the Rare Compassion Program as a patient advocate, and public speaking for other organizations such as the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Mauli Ola Foundation, Global Genes, One Legacy, Donate Life and the United Network for Organ Sharing.